[comp.dcom.telecom] Receiver-Originated FAX

Johnny Zweig <zweig@cs.uiuc.edu> (02/13/90)

I was just thinking that a really hip service for someone to sell
would be a 1-900-number that you could have your fax machine dial and
get pictures downloaded (the idea was inspired by an article int he
latest Playboy, but one could envision all sorts of visual data people
would like to download).

But not being familiar with typical office fax-machines (I am much
more interested in the transmission protocols than what knobs the
silly things have on them), I don't know if it is common for a fax
machine to have the ability to place an outgoing call and then receive
data -- I know it is usually the caller who is sending pictures.

The alternative would be a 1-900 number you call and give your fax
number and it would call you back to send the data, but that would
mean disclosing your fax number to a bunch of degenerates.

Anyone know about faxes?

Johnny Download