[comp.dcom.telecom] London Code Changes --- Server Now Available

piet@cs.ruu.nl (Piet van Oostrum) (02/20/90)

In article <4004@accuvax.nwu.edu>, henry@garp (Henry Mensch) writes:

 `   From: tjo@its.bt.co.uk (Tim Oldham)
 `   Subject: London Code Changes --- Server Now Available
 `   Date: 16 Feb 90 15:19:08 GMT

 `From the 6th May 1990, the dialling codes for London UK change. The
 `old code, 01 (which translates to +44 1 for international calls) is to
 `be replaced by two different codes, 071 (+44 71) and 081 (+44 81).
 `Obviously this is going to affect a large number of people. The split
 `is by geography, so there is no simple rule about what numbers change
 `from 01 to 071 and which from 01 to 081. However, it is possible to
 `find out what the new code will be from the first 3 digits of the
 `telephone number. For example, numbers that began 01 209 will change
 `to 081 200 while numbers that began 01 210 will change to 071 210.
Here is a perl script to do the conversion:

#! /local/bin/perl

#Usage london telnr
#where telnr = nnn-pppp | 01-nnn-pppp | +44-1-nnn-pppp
#       (pppp optional)

$table =
	"8-888888887-7777-777777777777777777777777777777777" .
	"77777777777777-77777777777777777-77-777788-8-8-888" .
	"88888878888888878888777777777787877888788888-88888" .
	"777777777788-888888-77777777777777777777888888-888" .
	"77777777777777777778888887888877777777778888888888" .
	"88887887888888878888888778778877777777777777777777" .
	"8888888888777787788888788788-888888887788888888878" .
	"8888888888888888888888888888887777777777888888-888" .
	"77777777777777-7--7777777777777777777777888888888-" .
	"88-888888888-8888888888888888888888888888888887888" .
	"77777-77777777777-77777777777777777777778888888888" .
	"888788878888-88-8888887877888788888888887777777-77" .
	"8888888888-8------7777777-7777-7777777778888888888" .
	"888888888888888887888877888888-888888-8888888--888" .
	"8788888888-77887777-777777-777777777777788888-8888" .
	"8888877788887888-888-7778-787888-8888788-88888-88-" ;

die "Usage: london telnr\n" if $#ARGV < 0;

foreach $telnr (@ARGV) {
$result = '';
    if ( $telnr =~ /^(\d\d\d)|^01\D*(\d\d\d)|^\+44\D*1\D*(\d\d\d)/) {
	    $nnn = $+; $pppp = $';
	    if ($nnn >= 200 && $pppp =~ /^\D*$|\D*\d\d\d\d\D*$/) {
		    $digit = substr ($table, $nnn-200, 1);
		    if ($digit != '-') {
			    $result = $telnr;
			    $result =~ s/^0/0$digit/ ||
			    $result =~ s/^\+44\D*/$&$digit/ ||
			    $result =~ s/^/0${digit}1-/;

    if ($result) {print "$telnr => $result\n";}
    else {print "Invalid phone number $telnr\n";}

Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31-30-531806   Uucp:   uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet
Telefax:   +31-30-513791   Internet:  piet@cs.ruu.nl   (*`Pete')