[comp.dcom.telecom] Jolnet Trouble

72307.1502@compuserve.com (GORDON MEYER) (02/21/90)

Could someone post a summary of what "troubles" Jolnet has seen
because of this LoD/e991 flap?  Was it closed down, and by what agency
and under what charges?  From my understanding it merely acted as a
conduit of the information and closing it down would be akin to
shutting down CompuServe if somone sent a copy of WordPerfect to my
mail box.

Gordon Meyer

[Moderator's Note: Well again, I have to involve Tamkin here. He was
on line when the raid took place that Saturday afternoon and the
system went down. He lost unread mail as a result. *If* the operator
was only a common carrier, passing mail, etc, then he got a raw deal.
*If* on the other hand, he was knowledgeable of how the system was
being used, harboring or accomodating that type of user, then the
legalities change. I don't know what his role was. Apparently very few
people, if anyone, have been in touch with him by voice since that day
to get the specifics. Would it have happened if the same files got
stashed on Compuserve? No, because CIS has high-priced mouthpieces and
they don't operate out of a spare bedroom in the owner's home. In the
case of Jolnet, a fellow and his two sons ran it as a hobby from home.
When the feds raided him, he had the chance of the proverbial iceberg
in hell....really, its whatever you can convince the Judge to go along
with.  David, give us a little more background here please.

In the next message today, a cracker tells his side of the story about
the Event.  PT]