(Kim Fosbe) (02/24/90)
Here in Omaha, they are in the midst of a massive TV ad campaign to get people calling 1-976-TIME for time and temperature. Of course, in teeny-tiny print so small that you can barely read it they say that the call will cost you 60 cents. That's very expensive time, when you consider that one of the Omaha banks has the same thing at 342-TIME except they give you a 5-second or so commercial about "auto loans" or such as well. Of course, the bank time number is a free call. Now I know how much TV time costs and these people are on the air all night every night. They are going to have to sell a lot of "time" just to pay for the ad campaign. What I don't see is how they expect to make money unless they think that us "yokels" in Omaha are nothing but a bunch of suckers. "Time is money", they say. KRF Origin: [1:285/666@fidonet] DRBBS Technical BBS, Omaha (1:285/666) Through FidoNet gateway node 1:16/390