(TELECOM Moderator) (04/15/90)
Alexander Dupuy of Columbia University has submitted a new areacode script to the Telecom Archives for interested parties. This is far too lengthy to include here (20K) and even includes a manual page, should you wish to put it up on your site. It is stored in the archives as '' if you wish to get a copy. REGULAR FTP: ftp login anonymous, then give name@site.domain as password cd telecom-archives get FTP MAILSERVER: Write to '' or 'bitftp.pucc.bitnet'. Put your FTP commands in UPPER CASE at the left margin, one to a line, i.e.: FTP USER anonymous name@site.domain ASCII CD telecom-archives GET GET BYE Within a few days -- maybe a week -- you will have the files. This new file is rather nicely done, and I think you will like it. Patrick Townson