[comp.dcom.telecom] Getting the Phone Number You Want

0004261818@mcimail.com (David Tamkin) (05/25/90)

M. G. Stinnett wrote in volume 10, issue 379:

|Another thing to do when calling for service is to let the rep know
|exactly the nature of the service you want, even if you think you already
|know what features you need.  My wife took a call from one man who wanted
|two lines with automatic transfer and a few other things.  She asked a
|few questions and then suggested a system they had (CaroLine, I think)
|which had all the features he needed plus a few more, and which would
|save him over $100 a month compared to the system he asked for.  Of
|course, she cost the company some revenue, but bought a very satisfied

She cost Northwestern Bell nothing and saved them a bit of work and a
lot of annoyance.  In a short time the customer would have found out
about CaroLine anyway and demanded a retroactive refund from
Northwestern Bell for the difference in cost and a switch to CaroLine
without a service charge for the change.  Moreover, he'd have
complained left and right about the rep who misled him when he first
started service and gotten her into trouble.

David Tamkin  P. O. Box 7002  Des Plaines IL  60018-7002  +1 708 518 6769
MCI Mail: 426-1818   CIS: 73720,1570   GEnie: D.W.TAMKIN  +1 312 693 0591