Thomas Lapp <> (05/28/90)
I was talking to a telephone rep. the other day about CID, and found out that CID and ANI are not the same thing. I had been assuming that they were. ANI (Automatic? Number Identification) is the telephone number associated with the bill on the phone you are calling from. CID (Caller ID) is the phone number of the station (telephone line) you are calling from. Note the difference: if I have it arranged so that all of my <n> numbers are billed to the same account, then the ANI of all the lines is the same. The CID, however, is unique to each line. Maybe this was pointed out before in Telecom, but if so, I missed it, and I apologize for bringing it up again. - tom internet : mvac23! or uucp : {ucbvax,mcvax,psuvax1,uunet}!udel!mvac23!thomas Europe Bitnet: THOMAS1@GRATHUN1 Location: Newark, DE, USA [Moderator's Note: It was brought up one time, as part of, IMHO, a very specious argument about Caller*ID, to wit: 'Caller*ID is bad because business places will get our telephone numbers and we are likely to get unwanted telephone sales calls as a result.' It was pointed out that ANI, while technically a different service, provides the same end results when you dial an 800 number, albiet 'they' get your main listed number rather than the specific line you are calling from. PT]