[comp.dcom.telecom] ICC MPS48 Modem

Ian Matthew Smith <IMS103@psuvm.psu.edu> (06/04/90)

I have just gotten ahold of two 4800 baud modems.  The only name it
gives is on the front (ICC MPS48).  I hooled them up to a terminal,
and pluged it in, but I can't get any commands to work.  I pressed a
few buttons and got it into test mode, and it echoed my characters
back as I typed them.  But I cannot get it to accept any commands.
Does anybody have ANY information on this modem?  Even just
information on the company itself would be helpfull.  The things are
5" x 8" x 18" and *heavy*.

Thanks in advance for any information.

Ian Smith <ims103@psuvm.bitnet>