[comp.dcom.telecom] How Do I Find Back Issues of the Digest?

Dan Lanciani <ddl@endor.harvard.edu> (06/16/90)

In re: Running Two Phone Lines in One Cable

	I heard that there was a discussion in telecom about this that
I somehow missed.  How can I get the appropriate back issues?

	Dan Lanciani

[Moderator's Note: This is typical of requests I receive frequently.
Anyone on the Internet with ftp authorization can 'ftp lcs.mit.edu' to
review the Telecom Archives. After anonymous login, then you must 'cd
telecom-archives'. If you are not on the Internet, then you must use
the Archives mail server instead. Letters would be sent to the address
'bitftp@pucc.bitnet (Bitnet users only) or to the address
'bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu' for anyone else. When using this method,
list the FTP commands in upper case down the left margin, followed by
their arguments. For a complete help file on this method, write to the
above address and put the word HELP in upper case at the left margin
of the first line. *No other text on that line or elsewhere*.  You
will get back a comprehensive help file. When it arrives, I suggest
you make your first pull from the Archives the file 'index.to.archives'.

In the meantime, perhaps the authors of the articles in particular
will contact this reader to answer questions.  PT]