[comp.dcom.telecom] Strange Recordings

dgl292@pallas.athenanet.com (Doug Lee) (07/23/90)

All this talk of late intercepts fits well with what happened to me
just last week:

I have a good friend in Maine who I call periodically.  Last week,
however, her phone line was disconnected (for reasons having nothing
to do with her).  Rather than getting the standard "The number you
have reached -- ... -- has been [temporarily] disconnected," I received
the following message:

     "We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.  You must now
     dial seven digits for a local call."

To slightly modify a quote from a Douglas Adams book, "That's
obviously a strange new use of the word _local_ with which I was not
previously acquainted."

Actually, I suspect the normal intercept, for whatever reason, missed
its opportunity to enlighten me as to the line's supposed condition,
allowing a Maine switch the honor.  As long as I'm not charged for
that (actually, those--I tried several times) "local" call, I guess I
don't care who's responsibility it is to give me the bad news.

Curious as always,

Doug Lee  (dgl292@athenanet.com or uunet!pallas!dgl292)

schwartz@aiag.enet.dec.com (07/24/90)

 - a party line, in which a special code is used to call other phones on
the same line;
 - some one-exchange municipalities, in which the exchange can be
omitted, and only four digits need be dialed.

Obviously, coming from the outside, you should not hear such a
recording.  On the other hand, if the second situation above was the
case, and the local network was recently "upgraded" to require
seven-digit dialing, there might be bugs, one of which was waiting
there for you.


Disclaimer:  I don't believe Digital -has- any opinions about the phone