[comp.dcom.telecom] Telecom Calendar of Events

telecom@eecs.nwu.edu (TELECOM Moderator) (07/26/90)

Here are some events planned for the summer and fall. Contact each
organization for more details, or to register.

Conference: Long Distance Call Aggregation/Rebilling

This is the well known program led by Dr. Robert Self, one of the best
known long distance experts in the United States. This two day
conference will cover all aspects of long distance service, including
third party marketing and other resale programs.

August 6-7, 1990 in Chicago, at the Marriott O'Hare.  Registration fee
is $575 per person, and $495 each additional person on the same
registration/from the same organization.  For more information, phone
1-800-678-0398, and have your credit card number handy if you wish to
register at the same time. Inquire by FAX: 1-313-994-8644.

This program is sponsored by Lexicom, 2263 West Liberty Street, Ann
Arbor, MI 48103-4405.  For other business phone 1-313-994-8600.

Seminar: Understanding Data Communications and Computer Networks.

The instructors are James Peck (formerly Bell Labs, AT&T, and
McGraw-Hill) and Mayer Rubin, who has developed networks for the
Associated Press, British Petroleum and others. 

Boston, MA  -- September 24-25, 1990   Detroit, MI -- September 26-27, 1990
Houston, TX -- October 25-26, 1990     Chicago, IL -- October 29-30, 1990

This seminar is sponsored by Quest, 124 Madie Avenue, Spotswood, NJ 08884.

Registration fee is $690, which includes all class materials, and
refreshments both days. Additional registrants from the same
organization get a $100 discount. (Fee is $590). Classes are 8:30 AM
to 5:00 PM both days. For information and registration, 1-201-251-3217.

Conference and Exposition:  NATA Unicom '90

The North American Telecommunications Association sponsors this annual
event, which this year is entitled, "Networking Communications

Over 100 exhibitors and a presentation by Harry Newton make this a
very worthwhile event. Anything and everything concerned with telecom
comes up at these programs every year.

October 31 through November 2, 1990 - Sheraton Hotel, Washington, DC.

Full package, includes admission to exhibit halls, all conferences,
hospitality suites, awards banquet:

          $250  early registration before October 12, 1990
          $350  registration on-site at the exposition. 

Daily package allows choice of attendance on one of the three days
plus exhibit hall admission *on all three days*, and one hospitality

          $145  early registration before October 12, 1990
          $180  registration on-site at the exposition.
          $105  early registration before October 12, 1990
          $140  registration on-site at the exposition.

          $60   early registration before October 12, 1990
          $75   registration on-site at the exposition.

If you are interested just in the exposition and the exhibit halls,
admission you may purchase a ticket for unlimited admission on all
three days. *No admission to any conference will be permitted*. 

          $30   early registration before October 12, 1990
          $35   registration on-site at the exposition.

For more information about NATA Unicom '90, or to register and pay
with your credit card, phone 1-800-328-6898. In Illinois or from
outside the United States, phone 1-312-236-6476. For more information
about the North American Telecommunications Association, write them
          North American Telecommunications Association
          2000 'M' Street NW   Suite 550
          Washington, DC  20036

Of these three events, my recommendation would be if you can only go
to one, go to the NATA conference and exposition, above. And if the
cost is a consideration, then simply visit the exhibit halls ... a lot
of fun and a very educational way to spend a couple days.

Patrick Townson