[comp.dcom.telecom] Close-Talking Mikes

0004133373@mcimail.com (Donald E. Kimberlin) (07/27/90)

Responding to: Bob Hale <btree!hale@ucsd.edu>

 ..Hale responded to a Digest article <9788@accuvax.nwu.edu> by
 gs26@prism.gatech.edu (Glenn R.Stone) about close-talking
 microphones with reference to WWII "throat mikes".  Stone had

>I've never heard one in action, so I don't know how well it worked,
>but it seems to have got us thru the war, so there must be something

 ..Hale's response ended with:
>Maybe the technology has improved but I'd have to hear it to believe

Well, perhaps you haven't listened to the helicopter traffic reports
on radio or TV of recent times.  There's been a LOT of improvement.
Among several sources I found, the products of a firm called
Global-Wolfsburg seem to be most highly thought of.  Their products
are used not only by broadcasting people, but many law enforcement
agencies at all levels of government.

For anyone with a serious interest, you can get good advice from Jack
Hammill at Florida Avionics, (813) 530-0300.  I reckon Jack probably
knows. We do have more than a few pilots chasing drug dealers around
Florida, you know!  Not much time for asking, "What did you say?" on
their radio nets.