[comp.dcom.telecom] Days Three and Four of Craig's Trial

TK0JUT2%NIU.BITNET@uicvm.uic.edu (07/27/90)

Some final comments on Day Three of Craig Neidorf's trial:

It was curious that, in introducing the PHRACK/INC Hacking Directory,
a list of over 1,300 addresses and handles, the prosecution seemed it
important that LoD participants were on it, and made no mention of
academics, security and law enforcement agents, and others. In some
ways, it seemed that Bill Cook's strategy was to put HACKING (or his
own rather limited definition of it) on trial, and then attempt to
link Craig to hackers and establish guilt by association.  It was also
strange that, after several months of supposed familiarization with
the case, that neither Bill Cook nor Agent Foley would pronounce his
name correctly.  Neiforf rhymes with eye-dorf. Foley pronounced it
KNEEdorf and Cook insisted on NEDD-orf. Further, his name was spelled
incorrectly on at least three charts introduced as evidence, but as
Sheldon Zenner indicated, "we all make mistakes." Yeh, even Bill Cook.
One can't but think that such an oversight is intentional, because a
prosecutor as aware of detail as Bill Cook surely by now can be
expected to know who he is prosecuting, even when corrected.  Perhaps
this is just part of a crude, arrogant style designed to intimidate,
perhaps it is ignorance, or perhaps it is a simple mistake.  But, we
judge it an offense both to Craig and especially his family to sit in
the courtroom and listen to the man prosecuting their son to
continually and so obviously mispronounce their name.


Special Agent Foley continued his testimony, continuing to describe
the step by step procedure of the search, his conversation with Craig,
what he found, and the value of the E911 files.  On cross-examination,
Agent Foley was asked how he obtained the original value of the files.
The value is crucial, because of the claim that they are worth more
than $5,000. Agent Foley indicated that he obtained the figure from
BellSouth and didn't bother to verify it. Then, he was asked how he
obtained the revised value of $23,000. Again, Agent Foley indicated
that he didn't verify the worth.  Because of the importance of the
value in establishing applicability of Title 18, this seems a crucial,
perhaps fatal, oversight.

Next came the testimony of Robert Riggs (The Prophet), testifying
presumably under immunity and, according to a report in the last issue
of CuD, under the potential threat of a higher sentence if he did not
cooperate. The diminutive Riggs said nothing that seemed harmful to
Craig, and Zenner's skill elicited information that, to an observer,
seemed quite beneficial. For example, Riggs indicated that he had no
knowledge that Craig hacked, had no knowledge that Craig ever traded
in or used passwords for accessing computers, and that Craig never
asked him to steal anything for him.  Riggs also indicated that he had
been coached by the prosecution.  The coaching even included having a
member of the prosecution team play the role of Zenner to prepare him
for cross-examination. It was also revealed that the prosecution asked
Riggs to go over all the back issues of PHRACK to identify any
articles that may have been helpful in his hacking career.  Although
it may damage the egos of some PHRACK writers, Riggs identified only
one article from PHRACK 7 that MIGHT POSSIBLY be helpful.

What are we to make of all this? So far, it seems that the bulk of the
evidence against Craig is weak, exaggerated, and at times seems almost
fabricated (such as the value of the E911 file and Craig's "evil"
attempt to organize a league of "criminals." We have been told
repeatedly be some law enforcement officials and others that we should
wait, because evidence will come out that could not be discussed in
public, and that this evidence would silence critics. Some have even
said that those who have criticized law enforcement would "slink back
under their rocks" when the evidence was presented. Perhaps. But, so
far at least, there has been no smoking gun, no evidence that hasn't
been discussed previously, and no indication of any heinous conspiracy
to bring America to its knees by trashing the E911 system, robbing
banks, or destroying the technological fabric of society.  Perhaps a
bombshell will be introduced before the prosecution winds up in a few
days.  But, even if Craig is ultimately found guilty on any of the
counts, there is certainly nothing presented thus far that appears to
justify the severity of the charges or the waste of state resources.
To paraphrase that anonymous writer in the last issue of CuD, I can't
help but wonder why we're all here!