[comp.dcom.telecom] Telecom Masters Degree

ken@sharkey.cc.umich.edu> (07/28/90)

Six or eight weeks ago, I requested that anyone having information on
schools offering a Masters in (Tele)Communications please get in
touch, as I am considering such a career move.

At that time, I said I would summarize at a later date. I would like
to fill you in on what I have discovered:

Paul (Tad) Cook, a frequent contributer to the Digest, sent me a
rather exhaustive list extracted from the TE&M Directory. This list
contained schools ranging from the traditional universities to places
like "Broder Enterprises, Dallas, TX." There were also several
international schools listed. Some of the entries are dated and many
trade, vocational, and short course/seminar type organizations are

Someone refered me to ICA, a trade organization in Dallas. They
maintain a limited (though very detailed) program description of
degrees offered at traditional universities. The nice lady at ICA was
happy to send me a copy of their list. Note: These schools appear to
be ones that ICA supports through some type of grant or scholarship

In addition to these lists, several people wrote to mention a
particular school they were associated with or liked. I appreciate all
the leads and have already begun to follow up on several of them. I
would like to list all the schools I've found, but I'm afraid the list
would be too long. I'd suggest that anyone interested look up a copy
of the TE&M directory or contact ICA.


Ken Jongsma                  ken@wybbs.mi.org
Smiths Industries            ken%wybbs@sharkey.umich.edu
Grand Rapids, Michigan       ..sharkey.cc.umich.edu!wybbs!ken