Mitch Wright <> (08/03/90)
My home phone line has been giving me a tremendous problems. I have connected several computers (C-64 thru Sun386i), and a variety of modems to boot. All of them pick up on the static in the line. I have called the phone company and they have sent out technicians several times. A filter has been installed on the line, and now the *voice* quality is just fine, but my modem[s] still find the line to be much too noisy. My throughput is 400bps at 2400bps. As you can guess, this is VERY frusterating. I can remove the noise characters by switching to MNP, but the throughput is still 400bps, which is basically useless. Funny thing is, I call number 111-1111, and I get a noisy connection, I call up the local TAC 222-2222 and the line is just fine. At least 100 people dial the 111-1111 number and have NO problems, except one other poor soul within the same exchange as me (765). After going through the run-around of being told I can upgrade my service to a data-line by one office, and the next office says that I can't do that, but I can have a dedicated circuit (Yeah right $!$!$). I *WAS* thinking about subscribing to UUNET, but if my line is this noisy and the phone company is obviously (and admittedly) not willing to fix the problem, it would be a waste. Now for my questions: o Has anyone else had this type of problem? How did it get resolved? o The phone company says that they can only guarantee the voice quality on residential lines without having a dedicated circuit -- Is this true, or have I run into yet another phone co. employee with the wrong facts? o Will an RJ45S really help? o Any suggestions on how to get the phone company track down the bad circuit and I fix it, assuming that's the problem. It is obviously not a problem with my home connection -- or with the destination, it is likely a switch in between. Any Help / Suggestions with be GREATLY appreciated. mitch (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (202) 695-0262