[comp.dcom.telecom] Surprising COCOT

john@zygot.ati.com (John Higdon) (08/07/90)

Pressures of business precluded my COCOT witch hunt today, but at
least, I thought, the PayTel monstrosity at the supermarket could be
nailed. Here's what I found:

Twenty cents for a local call.

A sign with complete instructions including refund and repair numbers.

A notation that interLATA calls could be made on other carriers.

Pad remained active after dialing 950 and 800 numbers.

"10288+0+NPA+XXX-XXXX" got KaBong--"AT&T".

"10333+0+NPA+XXX-XXXX" got the Sprint operator.

"10222+0+NPA+XXX-XXXX" got KaBong [PB card entered] "Thank you for
using MCI".

"0" got the Pac*Bell operator.

"00" got the ComSystems operator (gag).

"611" got Pac*Bell repair.

"411" got DA.

I didn't try "911".

It is unbelievable. I still think COCOTs are miserable, but it is
interesting to note that the operators of those beasts can, if forced,
bit the tongue and actually comply with regulations. Next week when I
do go on my witch hunt, I will remember this phone.

        John Higdon         |   P. O. Box 7648   |   +1 408 723 1395
    john@zygot.ati.com      | San Jose, CA 95150 |       M o o !