John Higdon <> (08/15/90)
From time to time, someone posts how the local telco seems to have the hots to upgrade someone's residence service to business. In Pac*Bell land no one seems overly eager to do this. It took five minutes to convince a Pac*Bell rep that a friend's voice BBS was strictly a non-business enterprize. In fact, I once had the goods on a telemarketer who was using residence lines and got nowhere. In non-rural California, measured service is mandatory for business lines while residences can opt for flat-rate local calling. Some of the telemarketing slimeballs will go to some lengths to stash a couple of harassment machines in someone's house connected to residence circuits. One of these machines called me one evening without the mandatory live person introducing it. For the express purpose of nailing these guys, I answered the machine's questions and indicated that I wanted to have a callback. Then I listened to the machine drop off. To my ear, it was unmistakenly a call from another line in my crossbar's marker group. For those unfamiliar with this sound, it is essentially no sound -- the call just goes away. It can only do this with a call originating from the same switch. When the live person called I made up some excuse to have to call her back. She was very hesitant to give me a call-back number, but when I indicated that it seemed strange doing business with someone who refused to give out a number she gave it to me. It was 265-something. Sure enough, my switch. I reported this to the Pac*Bell business office, telling them that this particular machine had given me the spiel without a live person introducing it. I was later told that I must have some wrong information because the number I provided was residence service so it couldn't possibly be used in telemarketing -- "that would be against tariff!" "Besides," she told me, "the woman who answered the [residence] phone assured me that all the solicitation calls [pertaining to the business she apparently wasn't doing??!!] were made from Wisconsin." Yeah, and I'm Ronald Reagan. John Higdon | P. O. Box 7648 | +1 408 723 1395 | San Jose, CA 95150 | M o o !