[comp.dcom.telecom] 0055 Numbers in Oz

U5434122@ucsvc.ucs.unimelb.edu.au (08/17/90)

> Since they have many readers outside the UK, a few months ago they
> offered a way of reaching their service from abroad: "just dial +611
> 411 421, normal inter- national rates apply". (Kindly enough, they
> added "N.B. From Australia dial 00551 4009". And before you try
> calling: they haven't been advertising this number for the past two
> months, so the service may have been discontinued.)

> My question is: what's in it for them? Does Telecom Australia give
> them a share of the revenue from the calls they get?

Since 0055- is the 'premium service' prefix in Australia, equivalent
to 1-900, 0898, 0839, etc, it appears that they have set up a service
in Australia to avoid international call rates.  My guess is that most
of their OS readership is in Oz.

Charges for 0055 numbers are determined by the 6th digit:

Sixth Digit        7,9        5,6        0-4

8am-6pm M-Sat       33         39         57

6pm-10pm M-F        22         26         38

6pm Sat-8am Mon     13         15         23

Charges are given in cents/minute, but are charged in multiples of 22c.

$A1.00 = $US0.80 = GBP0.43