[comp.dcom.telecom] Local 900 Sleaze

John Higdon <john@zygot.ati.com> (08/21/90)

So you think you've heard it all when it comes to 900 scams. From flag
burning to self improvement, sex to "inspiration", nothing would
surprise you. Well, hold on for the latest:

"[Name Forgotten] accurately predicted the October 17 earthquake
within four days. His [mumbo jumbo] method of predicting earthquakes
has been demonstrated to be alarmingly correct. He has predicted
another moderate quake in the San Francisco Bay Area before August 31.
You should be prepared for the sake of your loved ones and family.
Write this number down: 900 844-JOLT. You will get valuable
information on surviving earthquakes and [Name Forgotten] will explain
his infallible methods for earthquake prediction. It's a matter of
survival. Call 900 844-JOLT. Two dollars for the first minute, one
dollar each additional."

Valuable information on survival of earthquakes? Like that in the
front of the phone book?

        John Higdon         |   P. O. Box 7648   |   +1 408 723 1395
    john@zygot.ati.com      | San Jose, CA 95150 |       M o o !