lwa%mit-csr@sri-unix.UUCP (11/23/83)
Index: /usr/src/ucb/telnet.c 4.2BSD Description: User Telnet does not properly perform the netascii conversion on data being transmitted. In particular, it sends the carriage return character alone without a following newline. The consensus among the Telnet implementers (including Jon Postel) is that <CR> should always be followed by <LF>. The result of this omission is that certain hosts drop the first character typed after a <CR>. Repeat-By: Try telnetting to a host whose server Telnet is known to ignore the next character sent after a <CR>. Fix: In the routine telnet(), after the lines: if (c == IAC) *nfrontp++ = c; *nfrontp++ = c; add the two lines: if (c == '\r') *nfrontp++ = '\n'; -------