[comp.dcom.telecom] File Format for AT&T VoicePower Board or VSF Products?

jdg0@gte.com (Jose Diaz-Gonzalez) (08/30/90)

Hello there,

I'm doing some work with the AT&T VoicePower board and I need to know
where I could find the format used for voice files in this system.  I
believe this format is also an AT&T standard for voice store and
forward (VSF) products.  I think the name of this "standard" is the
"AT&T Sub-band Coding Standard".  In particular, I need to know just
what the headers are for indicating speech coding format as well as
silence duration.  Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.  Please
respond by email.

Jose Pedro Diaz-Gonzalez 
GTE Laboratories, Inc.       +	   Tel:   (617) 466-2584
MS-46                 	     +	   email: jdiaz@gte.com 
40 Sylvan Rd.	
Waltham, MA 02254