[comp.dcom.telecom] Dialing Procedures in 313

Carl Moore (VLD/VMB) <cmoore@brl.mil> (09/14/90)

Sander J. Rabinowitz <0003829147@mcimail.com> writes:

>My own area (area code 313) is in a transition to 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX
>dialing, such that both methods of dialing ... are presently allowed.
This refers to 1+7D and 1+NPA+7D.

But I wrote, without having seen Sander's note:

>... 313 area in Michigan, according to this Digest, reduced
>its intra-NPA toll calls to 7D ...

Since I am not from Michigan, I can't resolve this discrepancy.  But
in either case, 313 seems to be getting ready for N0X/N1X prefixes,
right?  (If any area is changing to accommodate the NXX area codes, as
opposed to N0X/N1X area codes, let me and/or the Digest know; however,
the NNX area codes are not projected to arrive till around 1995,

[Moderator's Note: Sander Rabinowitz replies to Carl...   PAT]

 Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 12:30 EST
 From: "Sander J. Rabinowitz" <0003829147@mcimail.com>
 Subject: 313 Long Distance Correction

In the TELECOM Digest issue of 13 September 1990, I wrote the
> My own area (area code 313) is in a transition to 1-NXX-NXX-dialing,
> such that both methods of dialing are allowed.  One interesting
> side effect is that long-distance carrier access codes can be used
> for all 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX, even if the call is _within_ the same LATA!
I don't know if anyone caught this [knowing the audience I'm writing
to, it may be ALL of you ;-) ], but when I wrote the original post, I
thought that area code 313 was exactly one LATA. It turns out there
are three -- the Detroit LATA (where I am), a second LATA from Ohio
that overlaps slightly into Michigan, and a third LATA covering
everywhere else.
And it appears I may have goofed in another way:

Carl Moore <cmoore@brl.mil> notes:

>But in either case, 313 seems to be getting ready for N0X/N1X
>prefixes, right?  (If any area is changing to accommodate the NXX
>area codes, as opposed to N0X/N1X area codes, let me and/or the
>Digest know; however, the NNX area codes are not projected to
>arrive till around 1995, right?)
My use of NXX was purely accidental.  Yes, I believe 313 is preparing
for N0X/N1X.  Also, I cannot say definitively whether Carl's earlier
statement is in conflict with mine, but rather than speculate, I will
leave that question to all other TELECOM Digest readers.
I apologize for any confusion my earlier message may have caused.

Sander J. Rabinowitz -- +1 313 478 6358 -- 0003829147@mcimail.com
The University of Michigan-Dearborn (Graduating Senior).