[comp.dcom.telecom] Help For a Telecom Illiterate

IWNQ500@indyvax.iupui.edu (The VAX Commander) (09/19/90)


I, being a new reader of TELECOM Digest would like some basic
definitions so I could figure out some of what you guys are talking

What are COCOTS?  and what is this NXX/NOX for dialing thing??? Is
this a new type of phone number we're supposed to get? Help!

Mike Jezierski    Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
IWNQ500@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU    standard disclaimer

[Moderator's Note: Once again, COCOT = <C>ustomer <O>wned, <C>oin 
<O>perated <T>elephone.  NXX is simply a way of abbreviating the three
digit area code or local prefix. Some good files in the Telecom
Archives to assist you are the glossaries. To view the archives, and
pull files of your choice, use the ftp command: ftp lcs.mit.edu. You
would then use anonymous login, with your name@user.site for a
password. Then, 'cd telecom-archives'.  Enjoy your visit there!   PAT]


End of TELECOM Digest V10 #659