[comp.dcom.telecom] Working Assets = A Contradiction

judice@sulaco.enet.dec.com (Lou Judice, 908-562-4103 28-Sep-1990 0938) (09/28/90)

>"Working Assets uses the all-new fiber-optic network of US Sprint -- and
>adds our own unique commitment to the future of our world ...

>"We'll hook you up with no intrusion or interruption. Then, every time
>you call long distance, you'll help save a species or two."

Hey, I see a contradiction here ... How many groundhogs have lost
their lives by chewing and swallowing fiber optic cable fragments?
What about the dangerous disruption of animal migration patterns
caused by careless ditch escavation along railroad tracks...

Wouldn't troposcatter microwave, or moonbounce, or carrier pigeons
be an environmentally more sound means of communicating?


[Moderator's Note: At 6:00 AM this morning (Sunday) a squirrel climbed
the electric pole in the alley behind my home. He got into the
transformer, short-circuited the power for a couple blocks in either
direction, and fried his little self in the process. At 6:20 AM, an
Edison truck pulls up; worker climbs the pole, tosses the carcass to
the ground below and restarts the power. Another worker uses a
scoop-shovel to pick up the squirrel, and dumps it unceremoneously
into the nearest garbage bin after asking 'anyone want fried squirrel
for breakfast, haha...' The radio in their truck tells of the next
stop for them: another squirrel, another part of town.  PAT]