73765.1026@compuserve.com (John Stanley) (09/30/90)
In a recent Digest, I asked for information on USEnet access via PC. I have received MANY replies, and some requests to forward what I learn. In fact, I received replies BEFORE I had a chance to see the Digest my query appeared in. Many thanks to all who replied. The following is a summary of responses: 1. The most mentioned product was WAFFLE. WAFFLE is reportedly the best, and is available from both SIMTEL and Compu$erve. It consists of 9 (nine!) archives, some as small as 700 bytes, located in UNIXFORUM Library 13 on CIS. After downloading it, and performing some installation, I tried running it. It is very interesting to be required to login to one's own PC. It seems that it should do the job, but I found several times that it would lock up (with the hard drive access light on) the second time it was run between reboots. It is also available on SIMTEL as PD2:<MSDOS2.BBS>WAF163.ZIP. It is shareware. 2. UUPC was also mentioned. I have a feeling that there are multiple UUPC's, though, as the one described to me does not match the one I already have. The one I already have was downloaded from one of the IBM fora on CIS. The docs with the archive say it absolutely doesn't do news. The docs in the archive say it does, you just have to provide your own unbatcher and must use 12 bit compress. The second version is available via ftp at clutx.clarkson.edu directory pub/uupc, or Clarkson BBS +1 315 268 6667. The files are UUPC08AU.ZIP and UUPC08AS.ZIP. Source is available with both versions. 3. FSUUCP. Available via ftp from polyslo.calpoly.edu as file fsuucp11.zip, or by contacting the author at cambler@polyslo.calpoly. edu. The shareware reg is $35. I have not yet, but will probably fork over the cash for this one. It will be cheaper than the download charges. 4. Carnegie Mellon (CMU) is supposed to have something that will help. This lead came from the reseller of the net access, and I haven't called them yet. The name and number I have been given are Karen Heilman, +1 412 268 5896. All of the above are shareware, with the exception of CMU which is unknown. 5. Vortex. The only commercial package I have heard about is UULINK. This is $335. The phone number for them is +1 213 455 9300. I have tried only the UUPC and WAFFLE. I can't say how well either works. Unfortunately, I am in a Catch 22. I don't want to fork over the money to get a network access until I know I can do what I want. But, I won't be able to know I can do what I want until I have an access to test the software against. That is why I have waited so long to create a summary. I guess I hope a magic hand will reach in and straighten this all out (or else I get a job where there is already a news feed). Again, thanks to all, and I will let you know what I wind up with.