[comp.dcom.telecom] 950 Brain-Damage

Steve Forrette <forrette@cory.berkeley.edu> (09/30/90)

>[Moderator's Note: At one point Citibank thought they could use the
>950 number as a way to get ANI on all incoming calls to customer
>service. The installation (of 950) was bungled terribly, with a lot of
>telcos not getting it correctly installed; and others refusing to
>install it claiming 950 was only to be used to connect with long
>distance carriers, etc. Citibank finally went with having ANI on the
>800 number, but the clowns on their staff have never been able to get
>their act together and have the 800 number *actually print out* on all
>the monthly statements.  PAT]

I guess it depends on where you live.  My statements always have the
950 number listed, and it works!  I call it, and seconds later the
Citibank automated system answers.

Last year, I lived in a location that was far away from my mailing
address, and the 950 number didn't work from there.  I spoke to
Customer Service about this, and learned the following:

1.  950 access is only available from certain areas.

2.  If you area has it, the 950 number is listed on your bill.  Otherwise, the
    800 number is listed.

3.  "Your area" is determined by your ZIP code, not your phone number.  So,
    if your mailing address is in 950 land but you are not, then you're on
    your own.

jhultman@bartok.helios.nd.edu (09/30/90)

My CitiBank MasterCard statement came. I had a question for the nice
people in Customer Service. As it so happens, the only number listed on
the bill is 950-1492, with the notation "(TOLL FREE)" after it. Calling
this number gave a "number not in service" recording. I tried 1-415
before the number and got "number cannot be completed...". I called
00 to ask the operator person what was going on. She didn't even know
what a 950 was! 

I called 10288-950-1492 and got a recording telling me that "the
number cannot be dialed with the long distance carrier code you have
selected.". I called 10288-0 and told the AT&T operator my story; her
equipment would not allow 950 dialing! Finally I called 800
information and found that there was indeed an 800 number for CitiBank
(which they didn't bother to print anywhere on the bill or its
enclosed documentation). The customer service rep insisted that their
800 number was printed on my MasterCard (it is?) and couldn't
understand why I was having trouble with the 950.

What's going on here?

I would think it would be (a) easier (b) far more straightforward 
(c) intelligent (d) all of the above for CitiBank to print the 800 number
on their bills and NOT EVEN BOTHER with the 950. Isn't it more
difficult to get a 950? Needless to say, I am not impressed, but I
don't know whether I should blame the telco or CitiBank.

[Moderator's Note: At one point Citibank thought they could use the
950 number as a way to get ANI on all incoming calls to customer
service. The installation (of 950) was bungled terribly, with a lot of
telcos not getting it correctly installed; and others refusing to
install it claiming 950 was only to be used to connect with long
distance carriers, etc. Citibank finally went with having ANI on the
800 number, but the clowns on their staff have never been able to get
their act together and have the 800 number *actually print out* on all
the monthly statements.  PAT]