(TELECOM Moderator) (10/01/90)
The past couple weeks have been so busy here, I have neglected to tell you about some of the telecom-related stuff which has come to me at my post office box in recent weeks. Let me catch up on a little of that today: The folks at Telecommunications Research Associates are presenting more seminars. "Understanding Broadband" New York, November 15-16 Chicago, November 28-29 San Fransisco, December 5-6 "Emerging Technologies in Telecommunications" Boston, October 18-19 San Fransisco, October 23-24 Registration for both is $995. Lack of space prevents going into detail about their programs, but they are generally well-prepared and worthwhile. For information and registration: 1-800-TRA-ISDN (800-872-4736) in the USA 1-913-437-2000 From elsewhere. ----------------------------- A conference and exposition called "Messaging 90" is being held over a three day period November 6-8 at the New York Hilton, in New York City. This program will cover a wide range of voice mail, electronic mail and fax stuff. For information and registration: IPC Trade Shows, Inc. PO Box 42375 Houston, TX 77242 or call - 1-800-888-2188 Information and Registration 1-713-974-6637 From outside the USA More recent items in my mail will be presented here in a day or two as time and space permit. Patrick Townson