[comp.dcom.telecom] How Do I Reach This US Number?

) (10/02/90)

	I have been trying to contact a company called ADC, and a
posting to rec.audio resulted in the 'phone number 1-800-842-5421. I
tried calling this (preceeding it with 010, the international access
code from England), but I got a recorded announcement (with a US
accent!) stating `You have called a number which is not available from
your calling area'.

	Is there any way that I can dial this number from England? I
thought that `800' numbers might be toll-free (and therefore not
available internationally), but I was able to get through to
1-800-447-4700 !

BTW, don't be fooled by the address below - I know next to nothing about
the 'phone systems !

Philip Katz,                          :|: e-mail   PKatz@axion.bt.co.uk
British Telecom Research Laboratories :|: 'phone + 44 473 642682
RT3131, SSTF 310, Martlesham Heath    :|: fax    + 44 473 637619
Ipswich, Suffolk, England IP5 7RE     :|: pager  + 44 81 840 7000 unit 4257598

[Moderator's Note: If you want the owner of the number to pay for it,
you probably can't get through. Only a very few 800 numbers are
available internationally to/from the USA. Generally, 800 service is
strictly domestic in nature. What you can do, if you are willing to
pay for the call, is locate the area code for the city and state you
are calling, then dial that area + 555-1212 and ask for the 'regular'
phone number. Your international operator may have to make the enquiry
for you. Then dial that number at your expense.  PAT]