[comp.dcom.telecom] Sweden Already Charges for Directory Enquiries

Dan Sahlin <dan@sics.se> (10/17/90)

In Sweden you are charged SEK 6.90 (about 1USD) per minute when
calling 07975 for directory enquiries.  This started about two years
ago, and there was a lot of opposition. The blind and handicapped get
their telephone subscription rate reduced, but they do not have a
special number.

The crazy thing is that you are charged per minute.  That is, if the
operator is slow, you will have to pay more.  They claim that they
usually handle an enquiry within a minute, and according to my
experience this seems true.

Directory enquiries for other countries is still free.

Are there any more countries where you have to pay for directory

Dan Sahlin
email: dan@sics.se

cmoore@brl.mil (VLD/VMB) (10/27/90)

Dan Sahlin <dan@sics.se> writes in volume 10, #742:

>Are there any more countries where you have to pay for directory

I believe there are several measured-service plans for directory
enquiries (in the U.S., you normally see the word "assistance", not
"enquiries").  My own telephone service has such a plan; for numbers
within Delaware, I think it's three free calls per month, with my
being able to request two numbers per call.  Elsewhere, I think it is
chargeable and comes under my long distance carrier, with possible
exception of area 215 (since I am in the Philadelphia LATA along with
most but not all of 215).