[comp.dcom.telecom] AT&T Puts it in Writing - Rate Increase

kravitz@ucsd.edu (11/15/90)

I found this ad in the Thursday, Oct 29 edition of the {LA Times}.  It
was in section one, on a page of article continuations and department
store ads.  It was two columns wide and about four inches long.
Although this ad does not contain any information about the discount
rate plans, it does "put it in writing" for the basic rate structure.
I don't understand the implications of the rate changes. Perhaps
someone else could comment on this?

			 N O T I C E   T O

		    A T & T   C U S T O M E R S

   On October 19, 1990, AT&T filed with the Federal Communications
Commission to change dial station night/weekend prices for interstate
calls within the U.S. and calls between Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin
Islands and the U.S. mainland.  Dial station rates apply when the
person originating the call dials the telephone number desired,
competes the call without the assit- ance of a Company operator and
the call is billed ot the calling station. These rates are scheudled
to become effective on November 2, 1990.


		     Existing                    Proposed
	      ----------------------      ---------------------

  Rate        Initial     Additional      Initial     Additional
 Milage       Minute        Minute        Minute        Minute
---------     ------        ------        ------        ------
   1-10      $0.1000       $0.0975       $0.1051       $0.1051
  11-22       0.1130        0.1100        0.1139        0.1139
  23-55       0.1200        0.1200        0.1208        0.1208
  56-124      0.1200        0.1200        0.1208        0.1208
 125-292      0.1215        0.1215        0.1223        0.1223
 293-430      0.1250        0.1225        0.1256        0.1256
 431-925      0.1300        0.1260        0.1306        0.1306
 926-1910     0.1325        0.1300        0.1331        0.1331
1911-3000     0.1350        0.1325        0.1357        0.1357
3001-4250     0.1650        0.1600        0.1650        0.1650
4251-5750     0.1750        0.1700        0.1750        0.1750


		     Existing                    Proposed
	      ----------------------      ---------------------

  Rate        Initial     Additional      Initial     Additional
 Milage       Minute        Minute        Minute        Minute
---------     ------        ------        ------        ------
 926-1910     0.1325        0.1300        0.1331        0.1331
1911-3000     0.1350        0.1325        0.1357        0.1357
3001-4250     0.1650        0.1600        0.1650        0.1650