[comp.dcom.telecom] Information Needed on Phone Patches

D1749@applelink.apple.com (Disini SW, Emmanuel Disini,PRT) (11/28/90)

Does anyone know about phone patches? It's something like a portable
telephone which can both receive and originate calls miles away (at
least 30) from a home base that's hooked up to the phone company's CO.
It's not exactly cellular, (you could think of it as a cellular phone
that only works within one cell) but at least the rates you pay per
call will not be at cellular rates.
We are currently looking at Dataradio's RFTel and Alcom's Pegasus
1000.  The prices they quote are inordinately high (in Manila). Can
anyone shed some light on what models to look into and what prices
might be like in the US of A?  Any help is very much appreciated!
Thanks all,

Joel Disini

[Moderator's Note: The distance covered by a phone patch is a function
of the radio it works with. Phone patches have been around for years.
Many ham radio operators use them, and a few civic-minded and helpful
CB radio operators (yes, there are some who meet that description)
have them also. Some are manually operated by the radio attendant who
taps a button as the parties converse, others are totally VOX.   PAT]