[comp.dcom.telecom] Mysterious Item Found on Phone Bill

dburke%vaxb.decnet@nusc-npt.navy.mil (VAXB::DBURKE) (12/21/90)

After three years of reviewing telco bills, I've been calling for info
on a semi-annual basis about a $60 monthly charge from AT+T.  Every
time I call, I get someone (usually different) that explains to me
that without this $60 "rental" equipment, I wouldn't have long
distance. The other day, I made my semi-annual call, but this time I
was told the installation address of the termination.  We moved out of
there over five years ago.

This part was easy.  Now the hard part. 

The rental charge was for equipment on three in-state FX lines,
serviced by NYNEX (NET) from the start.  I have a number for the gear
(obviously an AT+T #) but no onw I've spoken to yet can tell me
exactly what the box does.  We had three FX trunk lines going into a
ROLM switch back then, and when we moved, we took them with us.  I've
hunted around, and have yet to find anything that looks like a trunk
termination box.

To compound this problem, AT+T says the install date was 3/86.  We
moved out in 5/85.  I'm currently awaiting a decision from AT+T (they
are researching it), but I would like responses from other to see how
they handle things like this.

BTW - in 1985 when we moved, we also switched LD to MCI.


Dave Burke    dburke%vaxb@nusc-npt.navy.mil