[comp.dcom.telecom] Is This a New Record For Number Reassignment?

mpd@anomaly.sbs.com (Michael P. Deignan) (01/02/91)

Paul.Schleck@iugate.unomaha.edu (Paul Schleck) writes:
>That brings up an interesting point.  Just how long does the phone
>company wait before reassigning numbers?  According to my mother,
>calls for the previous subscriber *never* happened in the past (my
>mother is 58).  In recent years, when she moves and/or switches phone
>numbers, she complains about receiving a significant number of calls
>for the previous owner of the number. "Stupid phone company doesn't
>give its numbers a chance to cool off anymore!" she complains.  Is
>this just my mother's imagination or has Ma Bell, in her hunger for
>numbers to assign in populated areas, shortened the "cooling off" time
>to less than ideal?
A few years ago, I called NET to get a second line installed in my
parent's home as a modem line.
After going thru the process, and being informed that the line would
be activated in a week, I called the number they assigned me.
Lo and behold, a human voice answered. We had a nice little chat.
Apparently, he was moving and was scheduled to have the phone
disconnected on Friday. I, in turn, was scheduled to have the phone
connected the following Wednesday.
I guess it really depends on the particular exchange. This was in the
city, where no doubt numbers are at a premium. In the middle of
Nebraska, you probably wouldn't have to worry too much.

Michael P. Deignan, President     -- Small Business Systems, Inc.
Domain: mpd@anomaly.sbs.com       -- Box 17220, Esmond, RI 02917 
UUCP: ...uunet!rayssd!anomaly!mpd -- Telebit:  +1 401 455 0347   
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bill@gauss.eedsp.gatech.edu (bill) (01/03/91)

I just recently got a new unlisted phone number.  The order-taker gave
me the "new" number while I waited.  After we hung up, I tried the
number (even though it would be a week before it was to be connected).
I was surprised to be greeted by a real, live female voice when I
called.  I asked the female voice if she had just gotten new phone
service and she replied that no, she'd had that number for a few
years.  I told her that I had just ordered a "new" number and asked
her if her number was NXX-ABCD.  She said it yes it is.  So I called
Ma Bell right back and asked "What the hey?"  They looked up my "new"
number again and told me that it was really NXX-ACBD.  A simple matter
of transposed numbers made by a harried order-taker.

As yet, I have gotten one wrong number in about two weeks of service.
I don't know how long the number cooled off first, but it was not in
the phone database on Compuserve so maybe it was out of commission for
a while.

Bill Berbenich      Georgia Tech, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{backbones}!gatech!eedsp!bill   Internet: bill@eedsp.gatech.edu