[comp.dcom.telecom] Catalogs and Magazines Wanted

blumbergkm@ea.usl.edu (01/09/91)

Could some one please email me the name and how to get a copy of a
good telcom type magazine ... or is there one?  Help!


[Moderator's Note: One that comes to mind is Teleconnect Magazine, and
the numerous other books and resources available from the publisher of
Telecom Library in New York City. They're listed with 800 and 212
directory assistance.  They even run an interesting BBS.  An
interesting catalog is the one put out by "Hello Direct", a telecom
equipment mail order house in California. Call 1-800-HI-HELLO. There
are many others: readers here who publish newsletters or newsletters
and/or produce seminars will no doubt send you direct mail advising
you of their things.  PAT]