[comp.dcom.telecom] Questions About Caller ID

lpdjb@brahms.amd.com (Jerry Bemis) (01/10/91)

I want detailed info on how to decode the phone number of the person
calling when my phone rings.

I understand this is an old subject here but I just heard you exist.
Are there old articles I should read?

Are there any messages which explain the system?  Has the FCC written
an OST on the subject?

[Moderator's Note: First, you have to buy the service from telco
if/when they make it available in your community. Until you get to
that point there is nothing to decode because they don't send it. Once
it is coming in, you can buy a decoder for less than a hundred dollars
unless you really want to do the work yourself. Have there been any
articles here in the past? YES. So many in fact that most questions
and comments about Caller ID are now handled in our companion and
supplementary mailing list, 'telecom-priv'. To be added to that list
and participate in the discussion, write to the Moderator of the list:
telecom-priv-request@pica.army.mil.  I do not know about the FCC, but
*everyone else* has written on the topic. :)     PAT]