[net.unix-wizards] Bus speeds.

alt%aids-unix@sri-unix.UUCP (11/30/83)

From:  Howard Alt <alt@aids-unix>

Does anyone knoe the maximum throughput rates of any of
the following busses?  (and perhaps special details about
how they work, that affect perforamnce)

PS I'll post details to the net if there is enough interest.


jab@uokvax.UUCP (12/11/83)

uokvax!jab    Dec  8 01:35:00 1983

	From:  Howard Alt <alt@aids-unix>
	Does anyone knoe the maximum throughput rates of any of
	the following busses?  (and perhaps special details about
	how they work, that affect perforamnce)

For the DEC UNIBUS, MASSBUS, and Q-bus, look in the "DEC Unibus Handbook"
(I believe that's what it's called --- the "DEC Blue Bus Book") for the 
info on how the bus traffic works, and what bus performce is. (I'm at home,
and can't get to mine, sorry.)

The book is worth its weight in, umm, err, ahh... gold!

	Jeff Bowles
	Lisle, IL

jaap@haring.UUCP (Jaap Akkerhuis) (12/15/83)

The maximum speed for the Unibus ever quoted is 2.5 Mbyte/sec.
The maximum speed for the Q-bus ever quoted is 4 Mbyte/sec, (using
the new block block mode DMA).

More practical speeds are:
Unibus	1.7 Mbyte/sec
Q-bus	1.2 Mbyte/sec

Maximum speeds other buses:
Name		speed Mbyte/sec		comments

Multibus	10		(not Multibus II, iBLX option 19 Mbyte/sec)
VME-bus		20		(the new VMX option 48 Mbytes)
VERSA-bus	20
STD-bus		ca. 2.5
S-100		ca. 4

In the European UNIX* systems User Group Unix micros Catalog you will find
an overview ca. 100 brands of hardware, which all are supposed to run a
flavour of Unix and an article discussing bus-speeds, how to interpret
the figures and a short overview of the capabilities of the various

The booklet can be ordered from:

	The Secretary EUUG
	Owles Hall
	Buntingford, Herts
	SG9 9PL
	United Kingdom

The bus handbook from DEC doesn't specify the speed for UNIBUS, LSI-11 or
Massbus. Note also that the LSI-11 bus description is not complete.
It's weight in gold, ah well, must think about that one.

	Jaap Akkerhuis

* Trademark etc. (from who after the 1st of January?)
UNIBUS, MASSBUS LSI-11, DEC are trdemarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
Multibus, iLBX are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
VERSAbus is a trdemark of Motorola Incorporated.

jdb@mordor.UUCP (12/16/83)

There's a nice description of the UNIBUS in the back of the 1976
PDP-11 Peripherals Handbook.  I can't speak from practical experience
(my work is principally software) but I found it to be extremely
useful in understanding how the UNIBUS and its devices work.

By the way, the 1976 Peripherals Handbook is a real gem in other ways
too.  (Be *sure* to get the year right.  Even though it is slipping out
of date, 1976 was the last year that this handbook was really decent.
The editions from the immediately following years are virtually useless.)
	John Bruner (S-1 Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
	MILNET: jdb@s1-c	UUCP: ...!decvax!decwrl!mordor!jdb