[comp.dcom.telecom] Recent Fiber Optic Break a Terrorist Act?

randall@thor.sandiego.ncr.com (01/13/91)


It might interest you to know that the fiber optic break which
affected NY particularly Wall Street was a terrorist operation, but is
being kept covert for fear of alerting the American public.

This information is from a second hand CIA source, so if you quote me
I just say it's second hand.


[Moderator's Note: Consider it said, then. What you say does not
surprise me, but I don't know if I believe it or not. The Central
Intelligence Agency has had a long reputation as agent provocateurs;
that is, they create their own terrorism sometimes so they can blame
whoever the current enemy of the people happens to be.  Maybe the CIA
cut the cable themselves hoping to stir up more trouble.  Mini-book
review: Read and enjoy "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence". It is a
fascinating book and explains lots of CIA dirty tricks.  The book was
banned here in the USA, but now and then you can find a copy.  PAT]