[comp.dcom.telecom] BC Tel Wants to Drop Touch Tone Charge

djcl@contact.uucp (woody) (01/21/91)

In the first Canadian case (to my knowledge) of a telco dropping the
extra charge for touch tone (referred to in BC Tel lingo as Touch
Calling), the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications
Commission received an application (Telecom Notice 1991-7 for those
interested, BC Tel Tariff Notice 2240) to increase all local service
line rates by $0.90 residential, $1.90 business (Cdn funds), but allow
for either pulse or tone service. Exchanges or areas without tone
equipment can receive a price break for the local line charge
equivalent to the price increase involved.

If this passes, the BC Tel wants to drop rentals and repairs on rotary
equipment, and to equalise the phone set rental rates to that rotary
will cost as much as tone (standard phone sets).