[comp.dcom.telecom] 800 Number Confusion

sichermn@beach.csulb.edu (Jeff Sicherman) (01/31/91)

  One of my clients just got their first 800 number. Almost
immediately they started getting phone calls for another company in an
unrelated business. 800 directory assistance seems to have the right
information but some of the misdirected calls seem to have been caused
by information given by a local Chicago directory assistance (as best
we can find out).  Why would Chicago DA be giving out 800 number
information ?

 Belatedly, we tried to find out how old the 800 number we were given
was (how long it had been out of circulation). Apparently it's almost
impossible to get a virgin one. But they (AT&T) claimed they couldn't
tell us that information either before or after selecting a number.
Are we getting stonewalled ?

Jeff Sicherman

[Moderator's Note: Many companies have their numbers listed in
directories outside their local telephone service area as a
convenience to customers trying to find them. If the previous owner of
the 800 number in question had a listing in the Chicago phone book
then it might be the listing is still there. The company turned off
the 800 number but might well have forgotten to notify IBT to cancel
the directory listing they were paying for. If the 800 number is
cross-posted to the Chicago listings, then 312-555-1212 would have the
number. You might begin by finding out (from Chicago DA) if in fact
they are still giving out that number for some company, and if so,
then call that company yourself; speak to the telecom supervisor and
ask them to cancel their now obsolete listing. They might be paying
IBT for continuing to list the number and not even realize it if they
are not reconciling their phone bills on a regular basis.  PAT]