drz@po.cwru.edu (David R. Zinkin) (02/11/91)
I just called Ohio Bell and asked when we in the Cleveland, Ohio area would be offered Caller-ID service. The service representative told me that first, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has to approve it, but as soon as they do, we would get it. I was also told that the approval process would be faster if more people call in to say they want the service. For now, though, does anyone know if Ohio Bell is actually offering Caller-ID in any of its service areas on an experimental basis? When I asked the service rep, I was told that such information was "privileged". So -- as always -- I'll use this forum to find out. (Hopefully, anyway.) Thanks, David Zinkin (drz@po.cwru.edu) -- Rochester General Hospital Radiology (Consultant) and Case Western Reserve Univ. (Psychology/Chemistry)