[comp.dcom.telecom] 900 Numbers and a Question

oplinger@thor.crd.ge.com (B. S. Oplinger) (02/13/91)

A previous posting says (in reference to the lottery/giveaway but the
specific case doesn't matter):

> It's void in NY,FL, & RI Also, how to enter for free (OK -- 29
> cents!) (address follows)  ... Or call 1-900-258-2647 for $2.99

When I saw the void in NY and the 900 number it raised a question for
me? Now, I live here in NY, state that is. What would happen if I
called the 900 number, assuming that I only had been told about the
contest and was given the 900 number (in other words I did not know it
was void in NY)? Would they not charge me? Is is possible for a 900
company to tell whatever company is providing the 900 service to not
bill a particular company? Since it's void in NY, a call would not
result in me receiving anything of value so under what grounds could
they collect?

brian    oplinger@crd.ge.com

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