[comp.dcom.telecom] Information Wanted on X.25

broehl@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Bernie Roehl) (02/25/91)

I'm considering setting up a multi-line BBS that's accessible over
Datapac (Canada's X.25 service, analagous to Tymenet or Telenet).  I'm
considering several options:

1. Buy a self-contained PAD with a number of serial lines, and hooking this
   up to a multi-port serial interface on the PC end.  Advantage: works
   off-the-shelf, no additional software to write (I'd be using a Fossil
   driver and an existing BBS).  Disadvantage: hardware cost and being
   limited by hardware to a small maximum number of sessions.

2. Buying an X.25 board and writing software to provide an int 14h type
   interface (do the board come with that kind of software?).  Advantage:
   again, relatively simple to implement, and eliminiates running a
   bunch of serial cables.  Disadvantage: cost.

3. Buying a synchronous serial card for the PC, and implementing X.25 in
   software.  Advantage: lowest cost.  Disadvantage: lots of work.
   Do X.25 libraries exist for the PC?

Any advice would be appreciated.  (I know, I know ... why X.25?
Because it's there.  I don't like the protocol particularly, but it is
in widespread use).

	Bernie Roehl, University of Waterloo Electrical Engineering Dept
	Mail: broehl@sunee.waterloo.edu OR broehl@sunee.UWaterloo.ca
	BangPath: {allegra,decvax,utzoo,clyde}!watmath!sunee!broehl
	Voice:  (519) 885-1211 x 2607 [work]

tnixon@uunet.uu.net (Toby Nixon) (02/28/91)

In article <telecom11.161.3@eecs.nwu.edu>, broehl@watserv1.waterloo.
edu (Bernie Roehl) writes:

> I'm considering setting up a multi-line BBS that's accessible over
> Datapac (Canada's X.25 service, analagous to Tymenet or Telenet).  I'm
> considering several options:

> 1. Buy a self-contained PAD with a number of serial lines, and hooking this

> 2. Buying an X.25 board and writing software to provide an int 14h type

> 3. Buying a synchronous serial card for the PC, and implementing X.25 in
>    software.  Advantage: lowest cost.  Disadvantage: lots of work.

There's a fourth option you may not be aware of: a modem with X.25
built in.  The Hayes Ultra 96, for example, provides V.22bis or V.32
X.32 (dial-up X.25) with a four-channel X.3/X.28/X.29 PAD built in.
It connects via your normal async port -- one port.  The data to/from
the four channels is multiplexed onto the single async port via a very
simple protocol we call "AutoStream" (which I had a part in

We've implemented an AutoStream multisession interface in Smartcom
III's SCOPE scripting language -- it's really that simple to do
multisession communications with AutoStream.  Ultra 96 is fully
certified for use on Datapac.  You have to have a synchronous modem to
do X.25 anyway, and for a little more than the "average" cost of a
V.32 modem you can have one with X.25 built in.  I think this would be
the best combination of low cost and low effort, compared to the other
options you've listed.

I don't know if four channels is enough for you.  You should consider
that if you try to do MORE than that, then the throughput on a 9600bps
modem might become unacceptably slow for the remote users.  You could
use additional modems (on standard comm ports) to provide an
additional four channels each as your use expanded.  If you want
higher throughput, about your only choice is a digital circuit at
56kbps or 64kbps, but then you're talking about a major expense.

If you'd like more information on Hayes modems with X.32/X.25 built
in, and AutoStream, just let me know.

Toby Nixon, Principal Engineer    | Voice   +1-404-840-9200  Telex 151243420
Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. | Fax     +1-404-447-0178  CIS   70271,404
P.O. Box 105203                   | UUCP uunet!hayes!tnixon  AT&T    !tnixon
Atlanta, Georgia  30348  USA      | Internet       hayes!tnixon@uunet.uu.net

langz@asylum.sf.ca.us (03/03/91)

In article <telecom11.161.3@eecs.nwu.edu> broehl@watserv1.waterloo.edu
(Bernie Roehl) writes:

> I'm considering setting up a multi-line BBS that's accessible over
> Datapac (Canada's X.25 service, analagous to Tymenet or Telenet). 

Contact Galacticomm (+1 305 583-5990).  Their flagship product is
called the Major BBS.  It is a self-contained, multi-tasking,
multi-user BBS designed to run on a single CPU under MS-DOS.  With a
regular 386 machine, you can support up to 64 users.  They also offer
an X.25 option that will let you support up to 256 simultaneous
connections on a standard MS-DOS machine with an X.25 card.

I operate a small Major BBS-based system, and I'll be happy to answer
any technical questions you'd like answered by someone who doesn't
turn a profit when you buy.

Be seeing you,

Lang Zerner