[comp.dcom.telecom] The Baby Bells Misbehave

peterm@rwing.uucp (Peter Marshall) (03/21/91)

 From {BUSINESS WEEK}, 3/4/91, p.23:

A skilled spin doctor can put almost anything in a good light--even a
$10 million fine. When US West, Inc. was penalized that amount on
Feb.15 for violating the Bell System breakup consent decree, lobbyists
for the Baby Bells argued that the rules were fuzzy, the infractions
were minor, and that, in any case, the antitrust decree that US West
violated ought to be drastically curtailed. Indeed, John J. Connarn,
vice-president for regulatory affairs at rival Baby Bell Ameritech,
even argued that the fine could belp US West -- by calling attention
to what he sees as the pettiness of the restrictions....

But the past year has brought a rash of fines, settlements, and
allegations against the Baby Bells, many of them for violations that
are all too easy for the general public to understand....

increasing aggressiveness on the part of the Bells, which believe
they're being treated by regulators a staid utilities even as they lay
out strategies to be 21st century, information technology giants. Yet
be pressing too hard, they risk a regulatory backlash and even more

As long as [their status as local monopolies] remains the case, the
Baby Bells will be subject to extra-heavy scrutiny -- no matter what
the spin doctors say.