[comp.dcom.telecom] Vengence of a Payphone

J2YC%UNB.CA@unbmvs1.csd.unb.ca (DBILLINGSLEY) (03/26/91)

I was in Boston for my spring break and had to make a few calls from
payphones - something I already regret .. however I have been a reader
of this newsgroup for sometime so only looked for plain and safe
looking payphones (The ones with the notice on the bottom saying long
distance is services by AT&T.)

However there were times when I had no choice.  Some phones looked
like they were out of a star trek episode as they had lots of buttons
(Though none seemed to do anything) but no notice.

What happens if I get huge horrible bills on my next statement? Or
will I be another victim?



[Moderator's Note: Even using AT&T does not guarentee the phone is not
a ripoff otherwise. More than the LD carrier, what you want to look
for is the trademark of the local telco (Bell or otherwise) on the
phone itself. And yes, you might well be just another victim. Tell us
about it when your bill arrives.    PAT]