(Mark Earle) (03/27/91)
From an insert with my CMT billing (Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems): The first cellular system in the US was activated on Oco]tober 13, 1983. There are currently 306 Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMA's) markets operating. These MSA's represent 75% of the population. The industry literally exploded over the past five years increasing from 203,600 subscribers in 1985 to 4.4 million subscriber as of June 30, 1990. Nationwide, cellular is growing at approximately 143,200 new subscribers each month. Cumulatively, $5.2 billion have been invested by cellular carriers. There are over 4,768 cell sites and almost 19,000 employees in the booming cellular industry. The national average monthly airtime bill for a cellular customer is approximately $130. There are a growing number of foreign cellular systems that are compatable with U.S. Cellular technology. They include Canada, Mexico, Aregentina, Australia, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Caymen Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgiin Islands, and Zaire. (Mark Earle) [WA2MCT/5] My BBS: (512)-855-7564 Opus 1:160/50.0 CI$ 73117,351 Packet: WA2MCT @ KA5LZG.TX.NA.USA