[comp.dcom.telecom] Directory Assistance "Quotas"

Richard Bowles <bowles@stsci.edu> (04/05/91)

I don't know about Boston, but once-upon-a-time I worked for the DA
vendor for Pacbell in California -- and probably half of the software
involved gathering huge amounts of statistics regarding DA operator
performance.  The items included how long per call, per key-stroke,
number of keystrokes per call, number of listings retrieved per
call ... and many more.

The key issue is that the DA operator was PAID based on his or her
performance on a number of the criteria, so you can rest assured they
are at least tempted to be less than cooperative on potentially long
or complicated calls.

While I didn't have a lot of contact with the actual operators (I was
a programmer), what I saw and heard made it sound like one of the
worst, most demeaning, and high-pressure jobs available.  These people
were monitored constantly, handled calls at an unbelievable rate
without any pauses, and even had put up a little sign when they needed
to go the bathroom.


My knowledge is over five years old and a bit fuzzy.  Opinions are just
that and mine.  This has NOTHING to do with my present employer.