[comp.dcom.telecom] Request For Information on Hard Network Problems

"(Marc Riese)" <riese@litsun.epfl.ch> (04/09/91)

I am a student working on network diagnosis and I am looking for
descriptions of difficult network problems whose diagnosis involved
some degree of reasoning about time and/or space.  That is, in order
to solve the problem, the diagnoser had to reason explicitly about
when and/or where certain events happened that led to the problem.

For example, a common problem on data-comm networks is `broadcast
storms', where unanticipated or unintended transactions cause multiple
broadcasts which get out of control and swamp the system.  Udi Manber
described other examples in "Chain Reactions in Networks" (IEEE
Computer 10/90).

I am looking for other examples, datacom or telecom, generic or
specific.  Any information or pointers much appreciated. Discussion

Marc Riese     Swiss Federal Institute of Technology