> (04/12/91)
Our company is in the process of hooking up seven remote sites using leased lines. To help understanding of the problem, I'll provide background information. We've got a Sun Server at the main office and high powered PCs running unix and tcp/ip out in the branch offices. We would like to have the PCs used to access the database at the main office via high speed digital lines (19.2kb or 56kb lines) using tcp/ip (we are using Oracle as the database). What hardware do you recommend to do this and how? Should sync or async be used? What should be used on the PC end to connect to the line? Does it need some sort of board that runs sync that you connect the DSU to? Because we have enough offices to make up for the cost, AT&T is recommending that we have a full T1 going to our POP. I assume this requires special hardware? I would appreciate any help with this as it is completely new and confusing to all of us here. I'm sure that we can get the job done -- I just want it done right. Thanks much. Jesse W. Asher NIC Handle: JA268 Phone: (901)386-5061 Health Sphere of America Inc. 5125 Elmore Rd., Suite 1, Memphis, TN 38134 UUCP: ...!banana!homecare!jessea