[comp.dcom.telecom] Long Distance Calling Within-NPA

Carl Moore (VLD/VMB) <cmoore@brl.mil> (04/13/91)

If you are in Maryland, currently served only by 301 NPA, you dial 1 +
301 + 7D for long distance within it.  If you are in the
yet-to-be-formed 410 (to split from 301), your long distance calling
within Maryland will become: 1 + 410 + 7D (it's now 1 + 301 + 7D)
within your area and 1 + 301 + 7D (no change!) to points staying in

Contrast this with long distance within Virginia. If you were in the
newly-formed 804 area back in 1973; 804 was formed by splitting 703,
which until then served all of Virginia:

1 + 7D (no change!) within your area. 1 + 703 + 7D (had been 1 + 7D)
to points staying in 703.  (At the time, the Washington DC area had
NPA + 7D for long distance, even on calls within 703 or within 301,
but this instruction was not changed by the 703/804 split.)