[comp.dcom.telecom] Airfone Charges

ehopper@attmail.com (05/16/91)

A couple of points:

First regarding the acceptance of AT&T Calling Cards by GTE AirFone
and some surprise by one correspondent at that fact:

AT&T & GTE announced that the AT&T Calling Card would be accepted some
time ago with a fair amount of fanfare including advertising in
in-flight and regular magazines.  I recall an ad with an AT&T Calling
Card that had sprouted wings.

Second, with regard to Kath Mulholland's difficulty in finding a way
to contact AirFone, a word in defense of GTE.  Please keep in mind
that big companies are segmented and that it is common for front line
grunts to NOT have information on divisions other than their own.
Should they? Perhaps.  We have an 800 number within AT&T to call in
order to attempt to find "who's in charge" of a particular area.  Not
everyone, unfortunately, has the presence of mind to use it.  (No I
can't tell you what it is, I am specifically prohibited from doing so.
It is considered an "internal" number).

While a perfect world would have every rep totally knowledgeable about
every aspect of the business, I don't really think it is realistic.
YOu wouldn't go wandering into a Chevy dealer to ask questions about
EDS would you?

Now with regard to a logical approach to things, if I had been
confronted with Ms. Mullholland's problem, the logical approach to me
would be to contact the airline.  Additionally, I believe some printed
materials in the plane (either ads for the phone in the in-flight rag
or the dialing instruction card) contains a customer service number.

Ed Hopper

dittman@skbat.csc.ti.com (Eric Dittman) (05/17/91)

In article <telecom11.361.5@eecs.nwu.edu>, K_MULLHOLAND@unhh.unh.edu

[problems with using the GTE Airphone and getting credit for the
   call deleted]

> This month, finally got my credit and a very nice letter of apology.
> I wonder, however, how often people just pay instead of trying to find
> out where to go for a credit.  I guess if I hadn't had sources, I
> would have bullied my bank more.

> What has been the experience of others?

I had a problem with a call on the Airphone last Christmas season.
When I landed, I called the number for credit.  I don't know why you
had so much trouble finding out how to give credit, because the phone,
the instruction sheet, and the information sheet all have a notice
saying to call 1-800-xxxxxxx (some name, AIRFONE, I think) if you have
any problems or questions.  The 800 call is even free from the
Airphone, but I couldn't use it because I couldn't hear anything as

When I called the 800 number, the person was very nice and took down
the information on the problem.  When I got my American Express
invoice the next month, both the charge and the credit were on it.
Simple, easy, with no heartburn (strange to be able to say that about

Eric Dittman Texas Instruments - Component Test Facility
dittman@skitzo.csc.ti.com dittman@skbat.csc.ti.com

Disclaimer:  I don't speak for Texas Instruments or the Component Test
             Facility.  I don't even speak for myself.